Thursday, May 22, 2014

Learning AP Biology with Friends!

This year in AP Biology...well it was an interesting year. In a good way. I think.
Starting off with Ecology and going all the way up to Metabolism and Energetics, there was a lot of information thrown at us. 
I want to think that I learned many things this year. I think I did learn many things this year such as...
  1. Extra Credit is a beast that needs to be dealt with. 
  2. There are a lot of plants out there and they conduct photostynthesis.
  3. There are a lot of animals out there and they conduct cellular respiration.
  4. Plants do also conduct cellular respiration. 
  5. I am really bad a rememebering what I learned this year.
Most of all, I learned that AP classes really aren't that scary. I learned to have confidence in myself that I can succeed in these types of classes. Confidence was a major thing this year for me as Junior year is the most stressful and important year. Landry really taught me that with a good attitude and a solid head between your shoulders, a lot of good things can happen. 
This class was really benefical to me in numerous ways. It really solidified the fact that I want to do something biology and math related for a career. It also opened up the door to many different career options that weren't a thought in my head 9 months ago. I learned how to use my time wisely - which was a good thing because homework was a force to be dealt with. 
I loved this class and Landry spaced everything out very well. Although we didn't get to all of the information, the majority of the info covered was the majority of questions that were asked on the AP test. 

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